The Other Stall

Another contribution from Lovecrafts Other Ball

HELLO, its Me,
I’m stuck here on the toilet and I’ve run out of TP
I had an urge of the fecal type
I’ve made a huge mess
And now I can’t wipe

So HELLO from the other stall
I was just out shopping at the mall
When I just had to clinch my cheeks
I really am sorry, and i guess I lack class
But I’m just desperate to wipe my fat ass Can you spare me some?
Ooh (flush, flush, flush) fat ass
Ooh (swirl, swirl, swirl) fat ass

HELLO from the other stall
Thanks for responding to my call.
You really helped out with all that two ply
I feel so much better, not telling no lie
Ooh (flush, flush, flush) no lie
Ooh (swirl, swirl, swirl) no lie

Take the Dishes Out First

Another addition from Lovecrafts Other Ball

“He’s a foul Smelling brute” she heard mother sob..
“He’s fat, unattractive and can’t hold a Job
Your marriage to him was surely a curse.
I must say for a husband you couldn’t do worse

“You just don’t know the real him. “ Helga Sighed
“He has a saving grace that fills me with pride
All men curse, smoke, and beat on their wives
Bereft of all morals, they lead riggish lives.

And when it comes to micturition and relief
Most sully their homes, like some hoggish thief
Among their porcine deeds, surely the worst
To piss in the sink, without clearing it first

Take the dishes out first, take the dishes out first
Any man who doesn’t is surely the worst

A man that would sully his own kitchen sink
And piss on the glass he just used to drink
Or spritz on his plate, or whiz on his spoon
Is surely one low born sickening goon

Yester eve my husband left at seven for a wee drink
Came stumbling in at two, my God, he did stink
Slogged out to the kitchen, an undid his pants
But suddenly stopped and started to dance.


He reached into the sink and pulled out a glass
Then removed all the plates from this eve’s repast
And set them all on the counter with care
Until the sink had been made totally bare.

Then he stepped up to the ceremonial vessel
And with his buttoned up fly he started to wrestle
As he freed his wee willy his eyes started to twinkle
I heard him moan with joy as he started to tinkle

And so dear mother I say with a haughty joy
When next you speak of my plump golden boy
Remember how he went to best from worst
When my gentleman hubby took the dishes out first
