The Twelve inch snake He left for ME

A twelve inch snake he left for me

A twelve inch snake that could not see

It’s head stuck down inside that hole

With its tail was curved round the bowl

That twelve inch snake that could not bite

But with its stench was quite a fright

That twelve inch snake it sits there still

Despite the flush, despite the swirl

It gives no joy; It gives no glee

This twelve inch snake he left for me.

Thoughts on the New Year

Apologies for taking a very extended break- I am back. Not truly a poem but just my resolutions for the year. Of course, I first resolve to post at least weekly from now on.

I resolve to live for today and not to dwell on the darkness of the past. All the guilt in the world is not bringing that squirrel back to life.

No sheep under the age of 7!

I resolve to always flush afterwards (unless I am at a large grocery chain). That leads to another one of my resolutions- I resolve to never fling fling fecal matter out the car windows again (They can DNA that crap now, anyway).

I resolve to never drink around a cow again!

I intend to get in shape this year, and the shape I choose is spherical!

I resolve to not get depressed or lonely this year remembering that I have batteries and latex to add that needed connection.

I will quit smoking. Now that many states have legalized it- what the point?

Please, add whatever your resolutions are in the guest section. Together we can achieve our goals.

Suburban Wail

St. Augustine Grass!
St. Augustine Grass!
Puke perfect medium
for the preppy mass.

Mail boxes cloned
doors, windows, too
WASP droned zombies
not having a clue.

St. Augustine grass!
St. Augustine grass!
Sight gives me yearning
deep in my ass.

A varied scene
for look alike drones
A pile of brown
to spice up the tone

A gift a change
straight from my ass
Given with glee to
St. Augustine grass!

The Ol’ Bidet

If tomorrow I occupy rooms
in countries not my own
And feel the need to eliminate
and sit upon the throne

In Western countries sink sits
beside the porcelain loo
A stand alone whose rapid flow
gives my bottom its just due

And I’m glad to have this wonderment
by which I know I’m clean
And I won’t forget to wipe it first
I’m proud of my hygiene
And I straddle well up over you
and spread it in my way
It changed my life, this warming stream
I love the ol’ bidet

In eastern lands the spout’s add on
No need to move your bum
Just push the buttons, feel the flow
washing off the scum

Back in the States there’re few streams
No buttons or a sink
I’ll call a plumber to install one
to wash my stink

And I’m glad to have this wonderment
by which I know I’m clean
And I won’t forget to wipe it first
I’m proud of my hygiene
And I straddle well up over you
and spread it in my way
It changed my life, this warming stream
I love the ol’ bidet

The Elevator

Everyone is looking at me
Everyone is looking at me
Everyone is looking at me
and I’m not going to take the blame

Looking for a child
Looking for a child
Looking for a child
see a toddler,” Damn, lady, what do you feed that kid?”

Basking in the Glow

Ten pounds out
Ten pounds down
Glad to have
My Daddy’s bowels
Basking in the glow
Basking in the glow

Fell good in
Fell good up
Tingles cover
all my guts
Basking in the glow
Basking in the glow

Some keep in
Fecal sin
But I always
go for the win
Basking in the glow
Basking in the glow

Sit for and hour
Sit for a day
Trapped in the buzz
Don’t wanna play
Basking in the glow
Basking in the glow

Beat the Piss Mark

The games started late
at night -11:21
Phi Rho had the greatest prick
They had the biggest gun
Big Pete had such a dick
A mighty iron beam
From his pride with great force flowed
A mighty golden stream

Out of the drunk and noisy crowd
Many contenders did step out
Each one grabbed his member
and tried to win the bout
They had to beat the piss mark
the distance shot by Pete
Each one shot as hard they could
to claim the winner’s seat

They have to do their part. Their frat demands the win
They have to beat the piss mark. Their frat depends on them
Grab your rods hard, my boys, and turn those cocks around
Beat the mighty piss mark. You gotta cut it down!

The first one stumbled forward
and struck a mighty stance
So sloshed was he that all he did
was stand and piss his pants
“We have to beat the piss mark!”
was the battle cry
The next one came unzipped his pants
and said,”I’ll take a try”

A ray of light shot from his pal
Strong, and straight, and long
But it fell short of the mark
from Pete’s golden dong
The crowd cheered on many
to give it all they can
But as the night dwindled down
it had been beaten by no man

They have to do their part. Their frat demands the win
They have to beat the piss mark. Their frat depends on them
Grab your rods hard, my boys, and turn those cocks around
Beat the mighty piss mark. You gotta cut it down

Each club sent up a man
and each one felt defeat
The mark, it seemed, would stand for life
Never to be beat
Then spoke up little Susie
who seldom made a sound
“You drunks woke me up!
That’s why I’m in this gown”

“If you promise to be quiet,
I’ll put this mark to rest
She lifted up her gown to
to prove she was the best
Not even in Asian porn had
the crowd seen such a sight
She gripped her muff and shot a flow
proving she was right

She had to win this match  so she could get some sleep
She had to win this match so all the drunks would leave
She grabbed her box hard and spun her puss around
She beat the mighty piss mark then went to lay back down