Granny’s Glory

“The glory o f your grandma
The goodness of her soul
Get me some of those cookies.
I don’t want to keep control”

My friend would say these words
when he was with me there
That high caloric need
all teenagers must share

My sweet gray haired gran
did her cookies well
And had my friend arunning
when e’er her whiffed the smell

When I saw him last years ago
I will ne’er forget
When last I spoke after prom
and I caught him half undressed

I was at the dance before he showed
unknowing of his plan
I knew the girls in the school
did not think him much a man

He came in. I ran up,
“What the fuck is this about?”
“Don’t be a prude,” Granny said
as she kissed him on the mouth.

I ran into the bathroom fast
and those cookies all came up
A teacher heard emetic noise
and thought I drank too much

Given the bums rush into a room
with other would be drunks
I told them I was guiltless,
not like those other punks

Another teacher came in
and whispered to them all
After the laughter died one said,
“Your granny left the ball”

I left my date and quickly ran
to my sainted granny’s house
Unclothed they both opened the door.
She hugged that stinkin’ louse

“The glory of your grandma
The greatness of her hole
with the age of her cookies
I need no birth control.”

I barfed again then
punched my friend right in his rotten face
Granny stepped in between and
put me in my place

Since that day, where they are
I really don’t want to know
He can rot in hell for all I care.
I miss her cookies, though

A Father’s Wisdom

Word of note. This is my homage to tentacle hentai

My father taught me well
as he lecture me on life
He spoke of many things
on finding the right wife

“Don’t listen to their words
people will always lie.
She’ll tell you she is open
giving everything a a try.”

“Sure, she is very willing
to try shackles and whips,
Even hacking and smacking
or hot wax on the nips

“She’ll even shank before
the neighbors on your lawn
But you don’t know how far ’til
the octopus suits on.”

I was puzzled at first
not knowing what to think of this
Until a cartoon threw me one day
into the abyss

It came from Japan
claimed to be tentacle porn
Definitely not for the weak,
On this I’ll forewarn.

In horror I watched
a creature with multiple dongs
attack the drawn heroine
in ways really wrong.

Some slongs were like rope
that bound her real tight
While his strikes could continue
without much of a fight.

An alien? A mollusc?
I don’t really know
what appendaged thing
savaged all of her holes

I should have turned
but felt a sick need to keep watching
then after the scene
I felt the need to start washing

I never did ask my father
how he knew of this shit
or was it something left over
from his once Navy stint?

His words will stay in my head
though he is long gone
“But you don’t know how far ’til
the octopus suits on.”

And for this I am Grateful

Gathered here on Turkey Day
Family here from far away
We won’t mention Joe’s conviction
as father prays benediction.
How can uncle be at large
with the gravity of that charge?

But it’s not me and for that I am grateful.

And there is sister Betty Lou
Whose love life is always a taboo
Beside her sits step brother Mitch
Whose life time partner is the biggest bitch
Aunt Fay, the dear, was in a crash.
And Bob was swindled out of his cash

But it’s not me and for that I am grateful.

Great Uncle Pat wears at his side
A colostomy bag worn cockeyed
So oozes brown and with foul smell
While 8 year old little grandson Mel
Is forced to endure the horrid stench
As he is made to share Pat’s stinky bench

But it’s not me and for that I am grateful.

Hoping this day will quickly pass
We pray while staring at poultry ass
For in the center of our great feast
is the traditional stuffed, roasted beast
celebrating this glad day spread wide
With non bird things crammed deep inside

But it’s not me and for that I am grateful.

Down at Chuck’s

Being a buck
I tried my luck
I went down to Chuck’s
He has a fancy stable

“You’re out of luck.”
I heard from Chuck
“All that’s left- a duck.
I’ll put it on the table.”

“You give me a duck
when I need to fuck?
This really sucks
How will I be able?”

“Your firetruck
can run amuck,”
Replied friend Chuck
“Don’t think you’re unable.”

“I’m not a cluck!
It’s still a duck!
What if I get stuck
and my life become a fable?

As all will gawk
then start to mock
This bird on my cock
They’re say that I’m unstable.”

“They’re be no squawk.”
was Chuck’s sweet talk
“Go use your cock.
No one to see or label.”

So I took the duck
And, yes, did fuck.
I was thunderstruck
afterwards was grateful.

I had few bucks
when next I saw Chuck
not enough for a duck
So asked for whatever able

“With so few bucks,”
added friend Chuck,
“We go with the schmucks
who view hooked-up cable.”

The schmucks took stock
as a man in socks
was shoving his cock
Into an uncut bagel

I was so struck
to see this fuck
use a doughy puck.
What could be more watchable?

Then one of the flock
claimed he once had more luck
when here saw a man and a duck
I smashed chuck with a table.

The Sounds of Paradise

Rip Mangle Pop
Sounds I like alot
The coffin shows rot
Snap Mangle Pop

Snap Mangle Plop
The body goes keplunk
Flipped from its resting spot
Rip Mangle Plop

Rip Mangle Pop
It’s time take the top
While weakened bones get bopped
Snap Mangle Pop

Rip Mangle Pop
The sounds I like alot
Old bones now show their rot
Rip Mangle Bop

That Brown Eyed Bitch

The fresh meat sat beside me
and said that I looked safe
I pointed to the tear drops
tattooed upon my face

“You know what these mean?”
I questioned the newbie now.
“It means you paid good money for
ugly marks inked to your brow?”

“Good money, yes,” I set him straight,
“but for a reason true.
Two tears are beneath my eye
for a body count of two.”

“This is the county jail,” he said,
It’s not for heinous crimes.
Petty things like booze or drugs
Offenses with small time.”

“You’re right, I said, “I’m here
for trial while state collects the proof.”
A guard walked by, banged my table,
then he shouted, “Woof!”

I chuckled out and told the boy,
“It signifies ‘Big Dog’
So do what I tell you at all times
and we will get along.”

The rookie knew he picked wrong
and looked to move his chair.
I stopped him cold, “Stay by me.
Don’t you move. Don’t even dare.”

He gulped a bit then stared back
as I pointed to my tears,
“This one is for that brown eyed bitch,
the one who put me here.”

“She felt so soft, smelled so good,
and fought so very little.
Sure she yelped and howled a bit,
but I thought I had submittal.”

“Yelped and howled?” he quizzed me,
“then I must have missed the point.
What crime did you really do
to land you in the joint?”

“That’s my style of language use.
I mean she screamed alot,”
I added on, “but she turned to bite
so I had to kill the slut.”

A guard walked by and on the table
he placed a leather leash.
I thought fast, “He’s telling you
I’ll walk you where I please.”

Again he spoke while pointing
to the tattoos of the drops,
“The second one, was it for
another bitch you were atop?”

If it’s so, then I am safe
for you only violate girls.”
“Really,” I said, “this is jail.
Any port within the storm.”

He gulped again, and stared ahead.
I knew he’d be my bitch
Until the cop came up again
and pulled a nasty switch.

He exchanged the leather leash for
a collar he put down,
“Don’t let him fool you boy.
The brown eyed bitch was a hound.”

Back Room Treasure

Whenever I’m in town, I make it a point to see Evette
The brightest lights, abundant wine, blonds, redheads, and brunettes
Painted women line the walls, tasty little snacks.
But none can hold a candle to Old Sadie in the back.

The female window dressings are in the bloom of youth
But in Old Sadie’s head could be found not one real tooth.
She has few hairs upon her head – the few she has are white
And the huge mole upon her brow is a really haggard sight.

But when Old Sade on bended knees puts her teeth into a cup
The men who hear the muted klink fight each other to line up.
One by one she takes them on humming as she goes.
A mm mm good that makes her wrinkled cheeks begin to glow.

Afterwards they leave that place humming her catchy song
It stays with to force them back to her to serve their dongs
I pray to whatever gods are there to grant me some mercy
For I confess that in my head forever plays that melody.

Beat the Piss Mark

The games started late
at night -11:21
Phi Rho had the greatest prick
They had the biggest gun
Big Pete had such a dick
A mighty iron beam
From his pride with great force flowed
A mighty golden stream

Out of the drunk and noisy crowd
Many contenders did step out
Each one grabbed his member
and tried to win the bout
They had to beat the piss mark
the distance shot by Pete
Each one shot as hard they could
to claim the winner’s seat

They have to do their part. Their frat demands the win
They have to beat the piss mark. Their frat depends on them
Grab your rods hard, my boys, and turn those cocks around
Beat the mighty piss mark. You gotta cut it down!

The first one stumbled forward
and struck a mighty stance
So sloshed was he that all he did
was stand and piss his pants
“We have to beat the piss mark!”
was the battle cry
The next one came unzipped his pants
and said,”I’ll take a try”

A ray of light shot from his pal
Strong, and straight, and long
But it fell short of the mark
from Pete’s golden dong
The crowd cheered on many
to give it all they can
But as the night dwindled down
it had been beaten by no man

They have to do their part. Their frat demands the win
They have to beat the piss mark. Their frat depends on them
Grab your rods hard, my boys, and turn those cocks around
Beat the mighty piss mark. You gotta cut it down

Each club sent up a man
and each one felt defeat
The mark, it seemed, would stand for life
Never to be beat
Then spoke up little Susie
who seldom made a sound
“You drunks woke me up!
That’s why I’m in this gown”

“If you promise to be quiet,
I’ll put this mark to rest
She lifted up her gown to
to prove she was the best
Not even in Asian porn had
the crowd seen such a sight
She gripped her muff and shot a flow
proving she was right

She had to win this match  so she could get some sleep
She had to win this match so all the drunks would leave
She grabbed her box hard and spun her puss around
She beat the mighty piss mark then went to lay back down

Woman, Touch my Penis

We just got back from party time
Waving to the guests as they go by
Our marriage is now 35
Woman, touch my penis

Won’t you blow me high
Won’t you blow me low
35 years have been hell, you know
I deserve some fun before I go
Woman, touch my penis

While I’ve worked, you’ve been so cold
Your headache crap as gotten old
As well as the times you claimed the flow
Woman, touch my penis

Won’t you blow me high
Won’t you blow me low
35 years have been hell, you know
I deserve some fun before I go
Woman, touch my penis

After all I’ve done, I should own that hole
If it’s too dry, I’ll take a blow
Even your hands, if they’re not too slow
Woman, touch my penis

Won’t you blow me high
Won’t you blow me low
35 years have been hell, you know
I deserve some fun before I go
Woman, touch my penis

I’m so hard up, I’ll try your feet
Corns and all, it might be sweet
If you could rub my balls to a beat
Woman, touch my penis

Won’t you blow me high
Won’t you blow me low
35 years have been hell, you know
I deserve some fun before I go
Woman, touch my penis!

Ars Longa Not

She told me not to eat it. It had sat around all night.
Now it ripped its way through me- I hate it when she’s right.
I rushed the john. I dropped my pants and aimed my behind down.
Too soon! I missed. The wall did splat and make a mighty sound.
I grabbed a towel to clean my mess but found it wasn’t bad.
With depth my ass had told a tale on tile that made me glad.
This had to be put on film to share it with all Mankind.
When I came back to take a snap, I found in there my wife.
“NO! Don’t do it!” I begged as she sprayed the rag to wipe.
She said to me, “It’s only shit, brown and gross and ripe.”
“It speaks of Mankind’s plight,” I said, “and of Mankind’s pain.
You cannot understand what my ass is trying to say.”
Again she said, “It’s only shit that needs to be removed.
To keep it here for all to see in no way I’ll approve.”
I to her, “When first we met, I did not think you dense
But great art before you stands. Of this you have no sense.”
“No sense,” she said, “I’ve more than you for I see it’s only shit!”
” ‘No’, I say. It’s Man’s great trek and how his soul’s unfit.
This splotch shows him naked, ashamed before the Earth.
This one,” I went on, “shows the darkness of our birth.”
“BUT IT’S ONLY SHIT!” she cried, “You see what e’er you want.
‘IT’S ONLY SHIT,’ I say for you’re not some great savant!”
“You don’t know art,” I said to her. “Let’s put this thing to rest
We’ll call on those who claim to know what art is really best.”
We called on five who claimed to judge the truth with in all art.
The first one who came and saw called it bold and with great heart.
The second came and said it lacked of anything mature.
The third was touched by its dark view of human souls impure.
The fourth came claiming it was a copy of one he saw in France.
The fifth needed to break the tie came in and gave a glance,
My wife yelled, “Tell him it’s shit” To which he said, “You’re right.”
I shouted back, “I won’t be wrong. Don’t help her win this fight.”
“I did not say that you were wrong,” the critic then chimed in,
“But you crapped it out. It is shit, In this your wife will win.
But is it art? That’s up to you and your wife to surely judge
Whether you decide to clean it off or keep your walls afudged.
I’ve been to lands far and wide and seen shit on many walls
Is yours better or worse? I cannot make that call.”
He left us there perplexed as hell not knowing what to do.
So we flipped a coin to let the gods decide our bathroom view