Aquatic Evening

Have you ever woke up naked next to a fish?
When you first met with it, what was your wish?
Did you bring it home to make the night’s dish?
What happened at night that your clothes you now miss?
In your missing memories, did you obtain bliss?
Or was it a mess that made a great squish?
Were others there present to steal a cod kiss?
Or were you alone naked next to a fish?

For Shame

Come and pet my pussy
my pussy
my pussy
Come and pet my pussy
You know its been declawed
Warm and soft my pussy
my pussy
my pussy
Warm and soft my pussy
You know you’ll have a ball

Sleek and brown my pussy
my pussy
my pussy
Sleek and brown my pussy
Stroke her and she purrs
Sleek and brown my pussy
my pussy
my pussy
Sleek and brown my pussy
Don’t think what it infers

I love my little pussy
She really is a cat
All of you are shameful pervs
if you think her more than that

Down at Chuck’s

Being a buck
I tried my luck
I went down to Chuck’s
He has a fancy stable

“You’re out of luck.”
I heard from Chuck
“All that’s left- a duck.
I’ll put it on the table.”

“You give me a duck
when I need to fuck?
This really sucks
How will I be able?”

“Your firetruck
can run amuck,”
Replied friend Chuck
“Don’t think you’re unable.”

“I’m not a cluck!
It’s still a duck!
What if I get stuck
and my life become a fable?

As all will gawk
then start to mock
This bird on my cock
They’re say that I’m unstable.”

“They’re be no squawk.”
was Chuck’s sweet talk
“Go use your cock.
No one to see or label.”

So I took the duck
And, yes, did fuck.
I was thunderstruck
afterwards was grateful.

I had few bucks
when next I saw Chuck
not enough for a duck
So asked for whatever able

“With so few bucks,”
added friend Chuck,
“We go with the schmucks
who view hooked-up cable.”

The schmucks took stock
as a man in socks
was shoving his cock
Into an uncut bagel

I was so struck
to see this fuck
use a doughy puck.
What could be more watchable?

Then one of the flock
claimed he once had more luck
when here saw a man and a duck
I smashed chuck with a table.

That Brown Eyed Bitch

The fresh meat sat beside me
and said that I looked safe
I pointed to the tear drops
tattooed upon my face

“You know what these mean?”
I questioned the newbie now.
“It means you paid good money for
ugly marks inked to your brow?”

“Good money, yes,” I set him straight,
“but for a reason true.
Two tears are beneath my eye
for a body count of two.”

“This is the county jail,” he said,
It’s not for heinous crimes.
Petty things like booze or drugs
Offenses with small time.”

“You’re right, I said, “I’m here
for trial while state collects the proof.”
A guard walked by, banged my table,
then he shouted, “Woof!”

I chuckled out and told the boy,
“It signifies ‘Big Dog’
So do what I tell you at all times
and we will get along.”

The rookie knew he picked wrong
and looked to move his chair.
I stopped him cold, “Stay by me.
Don’t you move. Don’t even dare.”

He gulped a bit then stared back
as I pointed to my tears,
“This one is for that brown eyed bitch,
the one who put me here.”

“She felt so soft, smelled so good,
and fought so very little.
Sure she yelped and howled a bit,
but I thought I had submittal.”

“Yelped and howled?” he quizzed me,
“then I must have missed the point.
What crime did you really do
to land you in the joint?”

“That’s my style of language use.
I mean she screamed alot,”
I added on, “but she turned to bite
so I had to kill the slut.”

A guard walked by and on the table
he placed a leather leash.
I thought fast, “He’s telling you
I’ll walk you where I please.”

Again he spoke while pointing
to the tattoos of the drops,
“The second one, was it for
another bitch you were atop?”

If it’s so, then I am safe
for you only violate girls.”
“Really,” I said, “this is jail.
Any port within the storm.”

He gulped again, and stared ahead.
I knew he’d be my bitch
Until the cop came up again
and pulled a nasty switch.

He exchanged the leather leash for
a collar he put down,
“Don’t let him fool you boy.
The brown eyed bitch was a hound.”


Cannot sleep
but can’t count sheep
Because I have
lamb fever

I love sheep
their fuzzy fleece
You see I have
lamb fever

With their baaaa
my heart strings tug
Because I have
lamb fever

Lamby eyes
That thing I call lamb fever

I’m not Scot
but they’re so hot
Bcause I have lamb fever

No escape
It’s not rape
Because I have lamb fever

At Farmer Joe’s

At Farmer Joe’s
The sheep must run
To avoid Big Joe’s big fat gun
he rams all with. And with the cows
who meekly graze he shares his plow
With everything he takes his fun

The wife speaks up
to end these sins
Beasts worth more then out and in
with germs passed fro. And with the horse
she begs him take the saddle course
When mounting does begin

But Farmer Joe
will never learn
Even with dripping and a nasty burn
In his scrotum or with the rash
That turned his skin to mottled trash
Corn holing all with no concern