Thoughts on the New Year

Apologies for taking a very extended break- I am back. Not truly a poem but just my resolutions for the year. Of course, I first resolve to post at least weekly from now on.

I resolve to live for today and not to dwell on the darkness of the past. All the guilt in the world is not bringing that squirrel back to life.

No sheep under the age of 7!

I resolve to always flush afterwards (unless I am at a large grocery chain). That leads to another one of my resolutions- I resolve to never fling fling fecal matter out the car windows again (They can DNA that crap now, anyway).

I resolve to never drink around a cow again!

I intend to get in shape this year, and the shape I choose is spherical!

I resolve to not get depressed or lonely this year remembering that I have batteries and latex to add that needed connection.

I will quit smoking. Now that many states have legalized it- what the point?

Please, add whatever your resolutions are in the guest section. Together we can achieve our goals.