A Father’s Wisdom

Word of note. This is my homage to tentacle hentai

My father taught me well
as he lecture me on life
He spoke of many things
on finding the right wife

“Don’t listen to their words
people will always lie.
She’ll tell you she is open
giving everything a a try.”

“Sure, she is very willing
to try shackles and whips,
Even hacking and smacking
or hot wax on the nips

“She’ll even shank before
the neighbors on your lawn
But you don’t know how far ’til
the octopus suits on.”

I was puzzled at first
not knowing what to think of this
Until a cartoon threw me one day
into the abyss

It came from Japan
claimed to be tentacle porn
Definitely not for the weak,
On this I’ll forewarn.

In horror I watched
a creature with multiple dongs
attack the drawn heroine
in ways really wrong.

Some slongs were like rope
that bound her real tight
While his strikes could continue
without much of a fight.

An alien? A mollusc?
I don’t really know
what appendaged thing
savaged all of her holes

I should have turned
but felt a sick need to keep watching
then after the scene
I felt the need to start washing

I never did ask my father
how he knew of this shit
or was it something left over
from his once Navy stint?

His words will stay in my head
though he is long gone
“But you don’t know how far ’til
the octopus suits on.”